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September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Brandon’s Newly Opened Cope Well Counseling Wants their Community to Know the Warning Signs
BRANDON, FL (Sept. 3, 2019) – Experienced licensed mental health counselors Dr. Dominick Gulli and Tammy Alsing have combined their 45 years of practice to launch Brandon’s newest counselling business called Cope Well Counseling. The opening comes ahead of September’s National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and on the heals of the recent “13 Reasons Why” season 3 premiere of the popular but controversial Netflix teen drama that centers around a main character who commits suicide.
“Talking about suicide is still considered taboo by many. We’ve got to remove the stigma from talking about suicide, that’s the big thing,” said Dr. Gulli, a retired Army veteran who also works at MacDill Air Force Base and says more than 20 vets complete suicide daily. “The National Alliance for Mental Health (NAMI) noted research indicating that 46% of people who die by suicide had a known mental health condition which means more than half do not. Suicide thoughts and gestures don’t represent deviance, but they represent distress. Therefore, it is important to view suicide ideation and behavior as a means through which people express their distress, pain and unhappiness. Like any other health emergency, it’s important to address suicide quickly and effectively. For a service member, it can become more complicated if they are dealing with PTSD and the like. Anyone can become suicidal given the right set of circumstances.”
The behaviors listed below may be signs that someone is thinking about suicide.
The following suicidal behaviors are a psychiatric emergency. If you or a loved one starts to take any of these steps, seek immediate help from a health care provider or call 911:
Alsing spent 19 years counseling for Hospice and currently acts as a military child and family advocate working in the Hillsborough County school system. She said “Cope Well understands that people from different backgrounds have different values, practices, and beliefs, and we’re sensitive to those differences when working with individuals and families in therapy. Often, at the center of personal struggles is grief and loss issues – which can include the death of a loved one, loss of career, loss of identity and more.”
“Many people have a negative view of counseling due, in part to how they were raised,” said Alsing. “Messages like ‘don’t talk about it, don’t share, keep your feelings to yourself, it’s a sign of weakness’ make people less likely to reach out when they need the help most. We’re hoping to change that belief, and help people view counseling as a strength, rather than a weakness.”
Contact Cope Well Counseling to learn more about suicide risk factors and crisis resources available to help people cope. Cope Well offers a FREE initial consultation and extends discounts to income-eligible self-pay clients, active military, military veterans, currently active law enforcement, first responders and teachers. Call (833) 426-7464 or visit
Dr. Dominick Gulli and Tammy Alsing are Licensed Mental Health Counselors in private practice doing business as “Cope Well Counseling Associates.” They have more than 45 years of combined clinical counseling experience working with adults, adolescents, couples, families, corporations and the military community. You’ll be in competent and compassionate hands as they uphold the highest professional and ethical standards of practice. Whether you need help improving yourself, your relationships, healing past hurts, coping with grief and loss, or adjusting to life transitions, rest assured that you will receive the individualized care you need. You’ve taken a big step in looking for what help is out there. Reach out to Cope Well Counseling Associates, they’ll help get you started down a happier and healthier road! It’s time to learn how to cope well so you can live better.
Visit for more information or to request a complimentary consultation.
Press Contacts: Dr. Dominick Gulli, Psy.D. LMHC or Tammy Alsing, MA, LMHC
Phone: (833) 426-7464
By Eric Vician
Published Sep. 11
BRANDON — As licensed mental health counselors with more than 45 years of combined experience, Dr. Dominick Gulli and Tammy Alsing recently launched Cope Well Counseling Associates at 415 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Brandon.
The recent opening comes in the midst of September’s National Suicide Prevention Awareness month.
“Talking about suicide is still considered taboo by many,” said Dr. Gulli, a retired Army veteran who also works at MacDill Air Force Base. “We’ve got to remove the stigma from talking about suicide, that’s the big thing.”
Gulli and Alsing said they want to focus on warning signs of suicide. While they want the entire community to understand these warning signs, which can include everything from talking about being a burden to others to sleeping too little or too much, their expertise focuses on military families and families who are dealing with children and parenting issues.