Thinking of making your relationship more permanent? If so, we offer premarital counseling to help partners improve their ability to communicate, set realistic expectations for marriage, develop conflict-resolution skills and help couples establish a positive attitude about seeking help down the road.
Improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes
For couples seeking to improve their relationship, our couples therapy method is based on the work of Dr. John Gottman. The Gottman Method is an approach to couples therapy that includes a thorough assessment of the couple’s relationship and integrates research-based interventions. These interventions are designed to help couples strengthen their relationships in three primary areas: friendship, conflict management, and creation of shared meaning. Couples learn to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions and to repair past hurts. Interventions designed to increase closeness and intimacy and are used to improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes which enhances the couples shared goals. Relapse prevention is also addressed.